Magic launcher 1.2.6
Magic launcher 1.2.6

Backing up any server side config changes you have made is up to you. Added Midnight Stag to Horsepower - Added Oregen Zinc ore/ingots -> Dust recipe to Horsepower Note to server owners : You SHOULD be replacing your config folder and scripts folder on EVERY update. We recommend turning this on at every server/client restart for a few days. This will spawn ore in loaded chunks that have previously been generated.


Version: 3.1.8 Release # Updated Mods: - Astral Sorcery - Common Capabilities - Cosmetic Armor Reworked - CraftTweaker - Custom NPCs - Cyclic - Cyclops Core - Dynamic Surroundings - Embers Rekindled - Ender IO - Ender Utilities - EnderCore - Enderfuge - FTB Library - FTB Utilities - Immersive Engineering - Integrated Dynamics - JEI Integration - Just Enough Items (JEI) - Mystical World - OreGen - Patchouli - Psi - Quark - RandomPatches - Reborn Core - Redstone Arsenal - Roots - Smooth Font - Soot - Storage Drawers - Thermal Expansion - Thermal Foundation - Torchmaster - Vampirism Integrations - VanillaFix # Added Mods: - The Midnight # Removed Mods - None # Deprecated: - None # Enhancements or Changes: - Fixed Resources not downloading on Twitch/Curse - Oregen now spawns Zinc ore for Railcraft - Oregen Retrogen is on.

Magic launcher 1.2.6