Nellie Gray pictured during a March for Life. Rulings in subsequent cases aiming to find the limits of Roe‘s logic showed that the justices didn’t intend to permit many protections at all for the unborn, even though the language of the ruling had appeared to leave room for states to act on behalf of the child in the womb. With Roe, the justices attempted to put an immediate end to these debates over the legal, political and moral status of abortion by nullifying nearly every state law that prohibited or regulated abortion.
Americans had yet to reach a national consensus on how to handle the issue legally, but most states had laws in place protecting unborn children from the violence of abortion. The origins of the marchĪs Ryan Anderson and I chronicle at length in our recent book, “Tearing Us Apart: How Abortion Harms Everything and Solves Nothing” (Regnery, $29.99), at the time Roe was decided, abortion was a live political debate. The march has been perhaps the single most important vehicle, apart from voting, through which Americans over several generations told their lawmakers: Reverse this injustice and protect the unborn. But no understanding of those five intervening decades would be complete without a close look at the March for Life, which has convened in Washington, D.C., every January since Roe to rally the pro-life movement. There are the major players we all know and the major historical moments many of us remember, as well as countless forgotten heroes who fueled the pro-life movement at the grassroots level. The story of how this dramatic change came about is a long and complicated one. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the court finally admitted its error and returned the question of abortion policy to the people and their elected representatives. Yet almost 50 years later, on June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court revisited Roe and overturned it, declaring it a grievous misinterpretation and misapplication of the Constitution. Roe easily could have been the end of the story, the final word in a brewing national debate that had yet to get fully off the ground. and put an end to the controversial issue. The seven justices who joined the majority opinion in Roe believed that, regardless of what was in the Constitution, they could - and perhaps even should - use the power of the court to short-circuit the abortion debate in the U.S. Details that have since emerged about the machinations behind the scenes at the court leading up to the decision reveal that it was ideologically motivated and not judicially serious, crafted by so-called living constitutionalist justices who had little regard for the actual text or history of the Constitution. In the ensuing decades, scholars on both sides of the issue agreed that the legal reasoning in Roe was highly political and radically divorced from any serious notion of what the Constitution required. It was one of the most flawed decisions in the history of the court. Protesters carry a sign during the first March for Life. Bolton, decided the same day, allowed virtually all abortions, at any stage in pregnancy, for any reason, across the entire country. Roe, along with its companion case, Doe v. Though nothing in the Constitution had ever said or suggested that women had the right to kill their unborn children, the court used it to sanction abortion, essentially on demand. The decision affirmatively prevented the American people from protecting unborn human beings under the law, as many state governments had chosen to do in the years leading up to Roe. In one move, seven Supreme Court justices reinterpreted our nation’s founding document to invent a supposed right to kill unborn children. Constitution contained a fundamental right to abortion. Supreme Court handed down its decision in Roe v. Please do consider taking part: your support is vital.On Jan. If you have never done anything actively pro-life before, this is an ideal first step where you will be surrounded by like-minded people and have the chance to hear some fantastic talks. The march will end in Parliament Square where a stage will be set up for keynote speeches, ending with a solemn time of prayer or remembrance. The occasion takes place in London and starts with LifeFest22: an indoor festival in which pro-life organisations from around the country will showcase their work along with sessions for children of all ages, talks, testimonies, pro-life games, prayer, music and more.Īt 2 pm the march then processes through the streets of the capital where the central message ‘10 million lives too many' will be proclaimed. We can do so at the annual March for Life held on Saturday, 3 rd September 2022. It is more important than ever that all people of goodwill, and especially Catholics, give public witness to the infinite dignity of human life.

This year marks the sad milestone of 10 million abortions in the UK since the 1967 Abortion Act.